Re: CfC: Mixed Content to PR; deadline July 6th.

Anne van Kesteren <> wrote:

> Brian Smith <> wrote:
> > My reading of that section makes me thing that every fetch() is blocked
> by
> > step 7.2, because "fetch" is not optionally-blockable mixed content. Only
> > "video", "audio", and "img" are optionally-blockable mixed content.
> Ah, that's a bug then. :-/ This needs to work since enabling service
> workers for a site should not disable stuff that's currently working.


It's not a bug, it is what was agreed to by the group. We debated it to
death months ago and it was one of the last issues resolved before the spec
moved to CR status. I specifically called out the issue at that time so
that people could object, and the issue was resolved in favor of the
current spec text.


Received on Tuesday, 7 July 2015 15:25:25 UTC