Re: [Integrity] Some comments on Cross-Origin leakage and content types

On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 11:24 AM, Arjan Veenstra <> wrote:

> content negotiation exists and is being used, as such I think the
> standard should a least spend a few words on how to deal with that. I also
> think it can be supported trivially without any loss of functionality.
> Depending on the interpretation of the standard it might even be supported,
> but as it stands the standard isn't explicit about it.

If I'm reading the current spec correctly, I think conneg should be covered:
- 3.3.2 -> If resource is cachable by a shared cache, as defined in
[RFC7234], return true. (i.e. valid for integrity validation) [1]
- 3.4, -> Set request’s Accept header value to the value of
request’s integrity metadata’s content type. [2]

To me, this implies that content negotiation is (implicity) supported..
also, we're extending Fetch, which I would expect to cover content
negotiation? If not, that's a bug in Fetch.



Received on Tuesday, 23 September 2014 23:43:09 UTC