Re: Proposal: Marking HTTP As Non-Secure

On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 10:34 AM, Igor Bukanov <> wrote:

If serving context over HTTPS generates broken pages, the insensitive of
> enabling encryption is very low.

That's the definition of a collective action problem, yes.

I think that the incentives will change, and are changing, and people are
becoming more aware of the problems of non-secure transport. There is an
on-going culture shift, and more and more publishers are going to offer
HTTPS. For example,

As it was already mentioned, a solution to that is to allow to serve
> encrypted pages over HTTP so pages that refer to unencrypted elements would
> not break pages but just produces warnings. Such encrypted http:// also
> allows to generate less warnings for a page where all context is available
> over self-signed and key-pinned certificate as that solution is strictly
> more secure then a plain HTTP.

But, again, consider the definition of the origin. If it is possible for
securely-transported code to run in the same context as non-securely
transported code, the securely-transported code is effectively non-secure.

Received on Sunday, 14 December 2014 18:41:24 UTC