Re: [integrity] What should we hash?

On 3/15/14 1:09 AM, Devdatta Akhawe wrote:
> 1. UAs must check hash against the representation (which is  the
> message payload before content codings are applied,
> 2. An exception is the case where the UA will save files to disk with
> the content encoding preserved, the developer needs to provide the
> hash on the gzip'ed file.

This seems reasonable to me...  That is, the data that gets hashed is 
the data the UA will actually manipulate.

> The choice seems to be the spec above (or something similar) or what I
> believe is the much cleaner option of "Always remove
> content-encoding", where we ask developers to do a bit more work.

And require tarball downloads in browsers from a server that sent 
content-encoding:gzip to do a streaming decompress+recompress, right?

Again, as a UA developer it seems like a pretty positive property if I 
hash the bytes I'm already working with...


Received on Wednesday, 9 April 2014 15:33:09 UTC