Re: [CORS] Security models and confusion about credentials

On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 7:36 PM, Austin William Wright <> wrote:
> Some word on credentials (regardless of origin) would still be relevant for
> Security Considerations. Particularly, how resources can require that
> sending of credentials be disabled. For instance, perhaps you could forbid
> requests containing both Origin and Cookie. (Is there any reason this
> wouldn't work? I don't like the sound of it, as it depends on the user agent
> sending the Origin header.)

It won't work because implementations already do this, sites use it,
and we're not going to break them.

Aside: The web security model is defined by HTML: Extracting it from there requires lengthy
detailed reading though. This document contains a high-level overview
of some of the concepts and legacy artifacts:


Received on Tuesday, 3 September 2013 18:54:02 UTC