Re: CORS and 304

If the freshness lifetime for a cached response is longer than the access-control-max-age, you're extremely likely to not see a request for it until the freshness lifetime has passed.

Even if you hack the browser cache to emit a request when the access-control-max-age has passed, an intermediary cache can and will return the old one.

I think I brought this up in my original reviews of CORS, but whatever...


On 5 Dec 2013, at 10:24 am, Hill, Brad <> wrote:

> We still have the case where the headers indicating validity to the cache may give a longer lifetime than a supplied Access-Control-Max-Age.  In such cases, I would argue that regenerating the Access-Control headers is part of providing correct caching and validity information to the client, and therefore they SHOULD be included with a 304.
> On Dec 4, 2013, at 3:12 PM, Mark Nottingham <> wrote:
>> They aren't required; the cache that made the conditional request is responsible for correctly reconstructing the response, as per <>. 
>> Briefly, if a header isn't in the 304 response, you use the one from the 200 response.
>> You can't retroactively require servers to add new headers to 304 responses; they're (mostly) generated by server software that isn't aware of CORS (and shouldn't need to be).
>> Cheers,
>> On 5 Dec 2013, at 2:59 am, Karl Dubost <> wrote:
>>> So clochix, who reported the issue, recreated a test case.
>>> * First button creates a cross origin request and returns a 200.
>>> * Second button creates a cross origin request
>>> Response is 304, Apache removes CORS headers
>>> browser sends an error (Firefox 25+, Chromium 31)
>>> * 3 and 4 same requests for same domain (aka no CORS)
>>> (hope it helps to understand)
>>> -- 
>>> Karl Dubost
>> --
>> Mark Nottingham

Mark Nottingham

Received on Wednesday, 4 December 2013 23:28:09 UTC