New Invited Expert - Kagami Rosylight

Dear WG Participants,

tl;dr: Kagami Rosylight [0] is now a W3C Invited Expert and a member of this WG. 

As many of you already know, Kagami has been contributing to a range of specifications over the last few years. Amongst many other things, Kagami helps maintain ReSpec and the W3C's WebIDL parser [1] (webidl2.js). Kagami is extremely knowledgable of Web API design, particularly aspects related to WebIDL usage and design. Kagami is also the lead contributor to Microsoft's "TypeScript and JavaScript lib generator" [2].  

If you are even unsure about some WebIDL related stuff, Kagami is a great person to call on for review: just ping @saschanaz on GitHub!  


Received on Monday, 7 January 2019 05:31:41 UTC