Re: URL bugs and next steps

On 06/16/2015 10:33 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 4:25 PM, Philippe Le Hegaret <> wrote:
>> Things haven't been moving at fixing the bugs in the URL specification. Sam
>> has circulated a list of issues but did not receive much feedback. I figured
>> the best way to understand to make progress would be to have a call so we
>> can figure out the path forward and how we're going to fix the specification
>> and the implementations.
> I'm in the process of fixing bugs and adding tests, actually.

That's great but are we getting the implementations aligned?

>> If you can attend, this would be helpful to make progress.
> There's quite a bit of outstanding feedback from various vendors that
> can be addressed first, I think. Not sure what you expect to resolve
> on this call?

My understanding is that implementations are still differing from the 
spec and we weren't getting them to move. Reasons for that are differing 
between the vendors.

My expectation for the call would be that we understand why that's the 
case and see if we can get a common understanding on how we can move 
forward to achieve interop. For example, the idea of having a f2f 
meeting was floated before and more recently. I'd like to know if there 
is indeed such interest before asking folks to cross continents or oceans.


Received on Tuesday, 16 June 2015 16:00:59 UTC