PSA: publishing new WD of Clipboard APIs and events on April 21

Hi All,

A new Working Draft publication of Clipboard APIs and events is planned 
for April 21 using the following version as the basis:


If anyone has any major concerns about this, please reply right away.

A few notes about this spec:

* This spec is now using Github <> 
and the ED is now <>. PRs are 
welcome and encouraged.

* The permissions of the spec's now obsolete CVS repository will be set 
to read-only.

* After the open Bugzilla bugs [1] are copied to Github Issues (or the 
last open Bugzilla bug is closed), the spec's Bugzilla component will be 
marked `Historical` and set to read-only.

-Thanks, ArtB


Received on Thursday, 16 April 2015 17:13:52 UTC