Re: File API: Blob URL origin

On Jun 30, 2014, at 7:13 PM, Glenn Maynard <> wrote:

> Why would the identifier not just be the blob URL itself?  The spec currently makes the identifier just the scheme data, which seems much more complex than it needs to be.  revokeObjectURL should simply be "Remove the entry from the Blob URL Store for URL."  If we want to allow revoking URLs that have a fragment attached it'd still need to strip it off; Firefox does this, but Chrome doesn’t.

There’s no good reason not to do this. The scheme data identifier is a hold-over from the “only UUID” model that Fx has right now (the original intent was to have a table full of UUIDs and blob references). I’m happy to change to this model.

> Also, both Chrome and Firefox treat the entire URL as case-sensitive, eg. "Blob:..." won't revoke the URL, or uppercasing the hostname portion in Chrome.  Using the whole URL as the identifier makes this easy to do.
> "Subsequent attempts to dereference url must return a network error" should be removed.  That should already be the consequence of unregistering the URL, so this is a redundant requirement.

OK, this is a good nit too.

— A*

Received on Tuesday, 1 July 2014 15:08:14 UTC