Re: Pointer Lock Status

On 4/3/14 4:38 PM, ext Vincent Scheib wrote:

Thanks for this information Vincent!

> Additional specification discussion:
> Artillery started a discussion "Problems with mouse-edge scrolling and 
> games" in public-webapps Feb 21 2014 raising the topic of limiting 
> pointer movement to a rectangular area. This is addressed in the spec 
> FAQ for why it is postponed from the initial version, and in the 
> recent thread the result was a call for prototype. I don't have 
> resources to build it out, though would accept others doing so. If 
> this was done rapidly and Mozilla was interested in incorporating 
> changes as well there's the possibility that Pointer Lock spec should 
> be updated to include clipping. Otherwise, I believe a follow up 
> specification at a later time is more appropriate, keeping Pointer 
> Lock narrow and moving to complete the specification.

Given the spec's implementation status today, perhaps it would be "best" 
to postpone new features and to plan for a potential followup spec. 
Regardless, I think it is important to document new and/or additional 
features and requirements beyond what is now specified. The IDB people 
document their feature requests for IDB.Next in [IDB-Features]. Perhaps 
it would be useful to have a similar document for PointerLock.

If you want to document new features/requirements [and I recommend it 
;-)], besides using a wiki (f.ex., other options 
include using Bugzilla (I think WebIDL uses a "v2" value for the 
`whiteboard` field) or a document in the spec's repo.

(If you want to use a wiki, I'm willing to bootstrap it.)

-Thanks, AB

[IDB-Features] <>

Received on Friday, 4 April 2014 11:55:02 UTC