Re: Pointer Lock Status

On Microsoft lists Pointer Lock as still "Under

On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Vincent Scheib <> wrote:

> Implementation status:
> Chrome: Implemented with prefix, in stable version.
> Firefox: Implemented with prefix, in stable version.
> IE: No implementation progress known. Issue:
> Safari: No implementation progress known.
> Opera: No implementation progress known.
> Test suite status:
> Two basic tests exist:
> which fail in Chrome and Firefox due to prefixing, and likely correctness
> issues are masked by this.
> Plan to "complete" test suite:
> - Implementations need to start using W3C tests that exist
>   - Thus implementations need to support unprefixed pointer lock.
>   - Chromium issue:
> - More tests are needed.
>   - Chromium and Mozilla have possible candidates for upstreaming.
>     - I sense little prioritization from either organization to do this
> soon. (Correct me if Mozilla has anyone available to do this)
> Additional specification discussion:
> Artillery started a discussion "Problems with mouse-edge scrolling and
> games" in public-webapps Feb 21 2014 raising the topic of limiting pointer
> movement to a rectangular area. This is addressed in the spec FAQ for why
> it is postponed from the initial version, and in the recent thread the
> result was a call for prototype. I don't have resources to build it out,
> though would accept others doing so. If this was done rapidly and Mozilla
> was interested in incorporating changes as well there's the possibility
> that Pointer Lock spec should be updated to include clipping. Otherwise, I
> believe a follow up specification at a later time is more appropriate,
> keeping Pointer Lock narrow and moving to complete the specification.

Received on Thursday, 3 April 2014 21:02:39 UTC