Re: [webcomponents]: Making <link rel="components"> produce DocumentFragments

On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 8:09 PM, Dominic Cooney <> wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 9:43 AM, Dimitri Glazkov <>wrote:
>> Here's one scenario where keeping components Documents might be a good
>> idea. Suppose you just built a multi-threaded parser into your renderer
>> engine, and you would like to hook it up to start loading multiple
>> components in parallel. How difficult will it be for you to do this if they
>> were all just DocumentFragments in the same document?
> Given that having components be parsed in the same document complicates
> the specification, complicates the implementation (for example resolving
> relative resources), might threaten some optimizations (multi-threaded
> parsing), and gives a benefit that authors could achieve using tools to
> crunch multiple component files into one, I propose that:
> Each resource is loaded in its own document.
> What about the type of the Component's content attribute? Should that be
> DocumentFragment or Document?

Might as well be Document, then. Why create an extra DocumentFragment,


Received on Saturday, 16 March 2013 21:29:59 UTC