Re: [webcomponents]: Making Shadow DOM Subtrees Traversable

On 3/7/13 11:51 AM, Scott González wrote:
> I was replying in the context of jQuery, in which we expose most
> internals always. There is no option to have jQuery hide it's internals.

Yes, but you explicitly said there are pros to exposing the internals. 
I'd like to understand what those pros are in your context, and whether 
they're explicitly tied the fact that externals are always exposed 
(which you're forced into right now) or whether the pros are just to do 
with the _ability_ to expose internals as desired.

That is, what are the specific pros?

> In terms of web components, I'm not sure I (or anyone else on the jQuery
> team) have too strong of an opinion on the default. However, I can say
> that I find it extremely annoying that I can't reach into the Shadow DOM
> for new input types and just kill everything.

Chances are that behavior would remain for the foreseeable future even 
if page-provided components expose their internals, from what I 
understand...  So that's a somewhat orthogonal discussion, sadly.  :(


Received on Thursday, 7 March 2013 16:56:56 UTC