Re: [webcomponents]: Building HTML elements with custom elements

On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 11:36 PM, Jonas Sicking <> wrote:
> On Feb 19, 2013 3:54 PM, "Dimitri Glazkov" <> wrote:
>> 2) Custom element constructor runs at the time of parsing HTML, as the
>> tree is constructed.
>> PROBLEM: Several implementers let me know that allowing to run JS
>> while parsing HTML is not something they can accommodate in a
>> reasonable timeframe.
>> COMPROMISE: Turn constructor into a callback, which runs in a
>> microtask at some later time (like upon encountering </script>).
>> COST:  Constructing an element when building a tree != createElement.
>> Also, there's an observable difference between the callback and the
>> constructor. Since the constructor runs before element is inserted
>> into a tree, it will not have any children or the parent. At the time
>> the callback is invoked, the element will already be in the tree--and
>> thus have children and the parent.
> Another cost is that when these elements will exist and be reachable from
> script before their constructor runs.
> In particular they wont always have had their constructor callback run when
> the constructor callback of other elements in the same subtree runs.

Yeah, it is clear that running at </script> is not sufficient.

We need to run the constructor callback after createElement, set
innerHTML and others. Basically we need a pending queue that is
processed when we go from DOM impl to user code.


Received on Thursday, 21 February 2013 16:45:27 UTC