Re: Proposal for "Cascading Attribute Sheets" - like CSS, but for attributes!

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 3:44 PM, Brian Kardell <> wrote:
> On Aug 21, 2012 6:18 PM, "Tab Atkins Jr." <> wrote:
>> So, in my current proposal, you can just set an onfoo attribute:
>> ul.special > li {
>>   onclick: "alert('You clicked me!');
>> }
>> Here's a suggestion for a similar API that would invoke
>> addEventListener instead of setAttribute:
>> ul.special > li {
>>   onclick: listen("alert('You clicked me!');
>> }
> This feels a lot like netscape's old actionsheets proposal.  Doesn't it
> create the same footgun I mentioned above though?  Would you be blocked off
> from accessing dom in those handlers? Or are the read only (you may remember
> you, borris and I discussed how that might work last year)  In other words,
> what is preventing you from writing...
> .foo .bar{
>     onclick: listen(create a .bar and attach it as a child of;
> }

Nothing prevents you from writing that.  That's not problematic at
all, though.  When you click on a .bar, it creates a sibling .bar and
gives it the same onclick.  I think you've confused yourself into
thinking this is an infinite loop - it's not.

Since you can't create a mutation observer with an attribute, I don't
think you can infinite-loop yourself at all.  Even if you could, it's
no more troublesome than the same possibility in pure JS.


Received on Tuesday, 21 August 2012 22:50:19 UTC