Re: [UndoManager] Disallowing live UndoManager on detached nodes

[Re-sending from the proper address.]

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 1:54 AM, Jonas Sicking <> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 11:56 PM, Ryosuke Niwa <> wrote:
>> No. Allowing the host to be moved without removing automatic transaction is
>> what causes the problem because automatic transactions need to keep relevant
>> nodes alive.
>> Essentially, this has the same problem has the magic iframe. We can
>> alternatively change the way automatic transactions work so that they don't
>> retain the original nodes but that model has its own problems.
> I'm not entirely sure what "the magic iframe" is. But this simply
> seems like a shortcoming in the WebKit memory model. Dealing with
> cycles in C++ objects is a solved problem in Gecko and I'm surprised
> if this doesn't happen in other situations in WebKit too.

WebKit is not able to handle cycles in C++ objects without leaking
memory.  There's no equivalent to Gecko's cycle collector.

> How do you for example deal with the fact that if you create two
> nodes, A and B, and make A a child of B. As long as a reference is
> held to either A or B you need to keep both nodes alive. But as soon
> as the only thing holding references to A and B are just A and B, both
> nodes need to be GCed.

Managing the lifetime of Nodes efficiently is quite complicated.  As a
simplification, you can imagine that we keep track of external
references to the tree separately from internal references within the


Received on Tuesday, 21 August 2012 16:42:02 UTC