On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 3:11 AM, Glenn Maynard <glenn@zewt.org> wrote:
> On a quick test, Firefox is firing mousemove events at 120Hz; this is
> about the same magnitude of data. We don't currently have any
> infrastructure for using ArrayBuffers for complex data, so it'd either need
> to be something new (some sort of "complex view"), or an unfriendly API.
> Either would be a major obstacle to getting anything adopted.
The update rate depends on the device. Tablet updates reach way beyond
120HZ and even my 3D mouse clocks in at about 500 events/s. And a major
obstacle for a realtime input device is when the realtime app trying to use
it stutters/jitters every quarter second because of 180-250ms GC-pauses