Re: [UndoManager] Re-introduce DOMTransaction interface?

On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 11:19 AM, Ryosuke Niwa <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 10:36 AM, Ojan Vafai <> wrote:
>> Another thing to consider if we add DOMTransaction back in is that you
>> now need to specifiy what happens in more cases, e.g.:
>> -call transact on the same DOMTransaction twice
>> -call transact on a DOMTransaction then modify undo/redo listeners
> You mean execute? Assuming that, the first one is a good point. We have
> the second problem already with the dictionary interface because scripts
> can add and or remove execute/executeAutomatic/undo/redo from the
> dictionary within those functions or between transact/undo/redo.

We don't have this problem with the dictionary interface because we don't
store the actual dictionary. We take the dictionary and construct a C++
(DOMTransaction?) entry into the undomanager. So, if you reuse the same
dictionary, you get a new C++ object stored for each transact call. If you
modify the dictionary after the transact call, it does not affect the
stored C++ object.

These are solvable problems, but are just more complicated than using a
>> dictionary. I really see no point in adding DOMTransaction back.
> The point of adding them back is so that undo/redo are implemented as
> events like any other DOM API we have.

I don't see the benefit here. I don't think this is a more author-friendly

> If you want, you could make transact just take the arguments you want
>> DOMTransaction to take. Then of course, you end up in the case of needing a
>> bunch of optional arguments due to automatic vs. manual transactions, which
>> leads us back to using a dictionary.
>> An alternative interface I'd be happy with would be transact(String
>> label, Dictionary optionalArguments) since label is always required.
> Well, label isn't always required; e.g. when a transaction is merged with
> previous transaction.

Doesn't that make DOMTransaction(label, execute) a problem? I suppose it
could be DOMTransaction(execute, optional label).

Speaking of merge, why is it on transact and not on the transaction
dictionary. The latter makes more sense to me.


Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2012 22:13:19 UTC