Re: [XHR] What referrer to use when making requests

On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 3:54 AM, Jonas Sicking <> wrote:
> What is the reason for this? This seems less consistent than using the
> same document as we use for things like same-origin checks and
> resolving relative urls. In general, we've been trying to move away
> from using the "entry script" in Gecko for things since it basically
> amounts to using a global variable which tends to be a source of bugs
> and unexpected behavior.

Really? All new APIs still use the entry script to determine origin,
base URL, and such. The reason is that HTML fetch works this way and
provides no overrides and last time we discussed this nobody thought
it was important enough to create an override just for XMLHttpRequest.


Received on Sunday, 8 July 2012 10:34:17 UTC