Regarding app notification and wake up

The webrtc WG has identified that the ability to notify, and possibly 
wake up, a web application of incoming events is important. This to 
enable support of use cases such as incoming calls. And in certain 
scenarios the resource use (e.g. power) is very important.

However, this kind of functionality is not in scope of the webrtc WG, 
but seems to belong to the Web Applications WG. So this is a message 
that the webrtc WG is interested in seeing technology that supports this 
being developed. We have also noted discussions in Web Apps around use 
cases for connection-less push: 
<> - 
especially the third one is very relevant for us.

Stefan and Harald (chairs) for the webrtc WG.

Received on Friday, 9 March 2012 08:10:43 UTC