Re: Charter clarification: common manifest

On Jan 30, 2012, at 13:38 , Marcos Caceres wrote:
> On Monday, 30 January 2012 at 21:26, Robin Berjon wrote:
>> It's not something that has happened to date, but I'm hearing indications that there could be interest in quickly aligning on a manifest for web apps (that would I presume differ from the one used in Widgets).
> Interesting… pointer to these indicators would be nice (or would be nice to hear from WG members).  

Tobie kicked up some dust here:

I can't seem to track down pointers right when I need them, but this spurred a fair amount of commentary, including from some people who work for implementers agreeing that the current situation is stupid and needs to be fixed.

>> It would be a shame to close the door right as it looks like it might happen.
> Agree. However, an alternative serialisation of the Widget's metadata can be specified in the Native Web Apps CG and then a WG home can be found.   

Sure, I'm happy for the work on this to take place in the NWA CG since that seems like a fit home for it, but it needs a place to be properly standardised. My hope is that this place can be the WebApps WG. Given that the discussion would take place elsewhere, and that the result is pretty much in charter, I would hope that this should be agreeable to all.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Monday, 30 January 2012 16:51:42 UTC