WebApps' new charter has been approved

Hi All,

Yesterday the Director announced WebApps' new charter [Charter] was 
approved so thanks to all that helped with the chartering effort.

I added all of the new specs to our [PubStatus] page and made a couple 
of tweaks to the group's [WorkMode] wiki.

As is done with our "old" specs, our expectation is that the Editors of 
the new specs will lead their spec's standardization effort (e.g. 
responding to questions, reflecting comments in the spec, preparing 
specs for publication in /TR/, testing, etc.). Since most of the new 
spec Editors are new to editing W3C specs, if you have any questions 
about re the Editor roles and tasks, please feel free to ask Chaals, 
Doug or I. (Depending on the need, we may put together some Newbie 
Editor type info.)

I believe some of the new specs already have some implementation 
experience so if that is the case for your spec, we should start working 
toward a CfC for First Public Working Draft.

-Cheers, Art and Chaals

[Charter] <http://www.w3.org/2012/webapps/charter/#deliverables>
[PubStatus] <http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/PubStatus>
[WorkMode] <http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/WorkMode>

Received on Friday, 27 April 2012 13:07:25 UTC