Re: [cors] when a preflight goes bad

On Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:57:17 +0100, Benson Margulies  
<> wrote:
> That's on the client side, isn't it?. I'm worried about the resource
> side. On the resource side, what HTTP status code should be coming
> back from server to client for a preflight when the server has no
> other OPTIONS to return. 200? or 40x?

Oh sorry, that does not matter. Whatever else you do in response to the  
OPTIONS request besides setting CORS-related headers on a 200 response is  
not observable. You could have a 200 response with CORS-related headers  
that make it fail, you could have a 201 response with CORS-related headers  
that make it pass, but will fail for it not being 200; you could have a  
200 with no CORS headers. Whatever suits you.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Monday, 5 December 2011 16:06:27 UTC