Re: XPath and find/findAll methods

On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 2:28 PM, Martin Kadlec <> wrote:
> On Monday, 21 November 2011 2:18 PM, "James Robinson" <> wrote:
>> XPath is dead on the web.  Let's leave it that way.
> Why? XPath is in lot's of cases much more powerful than CSS selectors and all browsers support it in some way, so it shouldn't be problem to reuse the code.
> Only reason why XPath is "dead" on the web is because there is not (yet) easy way to use it.

We don't want to reuse our XPath code in webkit.  We would like to not
use it at all, because it's unmaintained, buggy, and duplicates
functionality with Selectors.  I suspect that other vendors feel
roughly the same.

Selectors won the "select some nodes from a document" battle *years*
ago.  There's no longer any reason to try and support alternative
technologies that solve the same problem.  It's much more worth our
time to improve the spec and implemention of Selectors.


Received on Monday, 21 November 2011 23:35:18 UTC