Re: Behavior Attachment Redux, was Re: HTML element content models vs. components

On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 11:25 AM, Erik Arvidsson <> wrote:
> By splitting I meant (and I think Ian did as well) that we have
> decorators that does not change the interface and then we have
> components which can change the shadow tree and define a new interface
> (API).
> The decorators can be attached and detached at runtime using css and
> maybe even an imperative API. The decorators cannot change the
> interface.
> The components have to be defined before first access and elements are
> created tied to a specific interface.

+1. However, Hixie just one message ago indicated that he doesn't see
distinction between components and decorators (or bindings). So I
think there's still some clarification work to do.


> erik
> On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 10:57, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 10:01 AM, Dimitri Glazkov <> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 4:55 PM, Erik Arvidsson <> wrote:
>>>> Splitting this up into two different things is great.
>>> The specific meaning of "splitting up" is where the things get
>>> interesting. As far as I understand Hixie's idea, the component (which
>>> exposes API) and the binding (which supplies shadow tree) aren't
>>> coupled, which means they can share no internal state. For example,
>>> you can't close over a set of event listeners that interact with
>>> shadow DOM in a component method, because the listeners are applied
>>> separately. I don't think that's workable.
>>> It seems to me that  we should have a way to create a shadow DOM
>>> subtree inside of the component -- component's own tree (aka element
>>> behavior attachment).
>>> Then, there could be a separate method to decorate a component with
>>> one additional shadow tree using CSS (aka decorator behavior
>>> attachment).
>>> The component model is explicitly interested in the former, not the latter.
>> Agreed.  Having the shadow tree entirely separate from the component
>> is explicitly bad in many cases.  It prevents you from doing native
>> implementation of many of the shadow-using HTML elements, like <video
>> controls>, which need to hook the controls markup together with the
>> scripting.
>> Being able to decorate an element with a script-free shadow tree
>> declaratively might be useful, but it's separate from the component
>> use-cases.
>> ~TJ

Received on Tuesday, 11 October 2011 18:37:33 UTC