CfC: publish Proposed Recommendation for Widget Digital Signature; deadline July 7

The comment period for the 7-June-2011 LCWD of the Widget Digital 
Signature spec ended with no comments and as documented in the spec's 
Implementation Report [ImplRept], there are 2 implementations that pass 
100% of the test suite's Mandatory feature tests. As such, this is Call 
for Consensus to publish a Proposed Recommendation (PR) as indicated on 
May 26 [PR-plan]:

Note the Process Document includes the following regarding the entrance 
criteria for a PR and the WG's requirements:


* Shown that each feature of the technical report has been implemented. 
Preferably, the Working Group SHOULD be able to demonstrate two 
interoperable implementations of each feature.

If you have any comments about this proposal, please send them to by July 7 at the latest.

-Art Barstow


Received on Thursday, 30 June 2011 16:37:38 UTC