Re: [widgets] P&C test suite fixes

On 13 May 2011, at 16:06, Marcos Caceres wrote:

> Hi,
> I changed dlocuse00 to use the language tag "xx" instead of "en-gb"...

I've tried this one but don't really understand it. I thought that defaultLocale would be used as a "last resort" in cases where there is no non-localized content available - so for this:

<widget id="dlocuse00:" xmlns="" defaultlocale="x-w3c-test">
Instantiating the widget and making a default call for / resolves to:


which exists in the widget package; and not:


though maybe I'm not understanding the expected behaviour?


> And dlocuse01 was pointing to the wrong file! Try:
> I have updated the test description document, including a bunch of typos.
> Kind regards,
> Marcos

Received on Tuesday, 7 June 2011 19:02:36 UTC