Update to Standards for Web applications on mobile


Back in February, I announced here a first release of a document
compiling all the technologies that I had identified as relevant to the
development of Web applications on mobile devices:

I have just released an updated version of that report integrating the
changes from the last 3 months:
It highlights the said changes as part of the introduction, for those
who would want only the updates since the last release.

That document is extracted from the equivalent page in the W3C wiki
where contributions from others are welcomed:
Many thanks to Art and Marcos for having already contributed their
updates there!

I'm planning the next release of this document end of August, including
a first pass at a gap analysis, highlighting currently missing features;
I'm very interested on feedback on this in particular, but on the rest
of the document in general as well. 

There is still some feedback that I haven't addressed from last time
which I plan on integrating in the next release as well:
* integration of accessibility considerations (e.g. WAI ARIA)
* potential integration of InkML as an exchange format for touch input
* potential integration of microdata
* some I18N considerations?


Received on Tuesday, 31 May 2011 15:04:12 UTC