Re: copy events and content from server

On Wed, 04 May 2011 02:26:22 +0900, Paul Libbrecht <>  

>> In many of the scenarios I have working for, the content to be put on  
>> the clipboard would come from a "luxury" knowledge structure on the  
>> server, one that has access to some semantic source and can infer  
>> useful representations out of it; these get put to the clipboard.
>> An offline HTML would also be an example of it.
> but I am realizing that this is probably not possible to do because the  
> only way to do obtain something from the server is to wait until a  
> callback is called (and this is good so) at which time the copy event  
> might be long gone already.


> Would it be thinkable to *lock* the copy event until either a timeout  
> occurs or an unlock is called?

It sounds like a quite "advanced" use case. I briefly considered something  
like event.clipboardData.pushContentsOfURL('/foo/bar') but that would be  
way to limited in options - POST/GET, post data etc. I would like to defer  
this to later and see if we get more demand for it. Overall, the push for  
web applications is a lot about removing logic from the server and adding  
more on the client's side, so I'm unsure how common this state (when the  
server knows significantly more than the client-side logic about what  
should be placed on the clipboard) is and will be going forward.

Hallvord R. M. Steen, Core Tester, Opera Software

Received on Tuesday, 17 May 2011 00:31:35 UTC