Re: [widgets] Error in conformance test: dr

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 11:11 PM, Scott Wilson
<> wrote:
> Test "DR" appears to be incorrect:
> "Test the UA's ability to handle a feature element without a name attribute.
> To pass, the feature list must contain one feature named 'feature:a9bb79c1'
> whose required value is false."
> The test widget contains the following config.xml:
> <widget xmlns="">
> <name>ha</name>
> <feature name="feature:a9bb79c1">
>   <param name="test" value="pass1"/>
> </feature>
> <feature name="feature:a9bb79c1">
>   <param name="test" value="pass2"/>
> </feature>
> </widget>
> However, where the required attribute is missing from <feature>, a UA is
> expected to assume the value to be TRUE not FALSE:
> Authoring Guidelines:It is optional for authors to use
> the required attribute with an feature element. However, authors need to be
> aware that a user agent will behave as if the required attribute had been
> set to true when the required attribute is absent, meaning that the
> named feature needs to be available at runtime or the widget will be treated
> as an invalid widget package.
> So I think this test case needs to be changed to either include a
> required="false" attribute, or to expect a value of "true" for "required"
> instead.

Fixed the value of config.xml <name>, as it was wrong. Changed test
pass condition so required does not need checking.

Marcos Caceres
Opera Software ASA,

Received on Wednesday, 22 September 2010 07:10:00 UTC