[widgets] Error in conformance test: dr

Test "DR" appears to be incorrect:

"Test the UA's ability to handle a feature element without a name attribute. To pass, the feature list must contain one feature named 'feature:a9bb79c1' whose required value is false."

The test widget contains the following config.xml:

<widget xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets">
<feature name="feature:a9bb79c1">
  <param name="test" value="pass1"/>

<feature name="feature:a9bb79c1">
  <param name="test" value="pass2"/>


However, where the required attribute is missing from <feature>, a UA is expected to assume the value to be TRUE not FALSE:

Authoring Guidelines:
It is optional for authors to use the required attribute with an feature element. However, authors need to be aware that a user agent will behave as if the required attribute had been set to true when the required attribute is absent, meaning that the named feature needs to be available at runtime or the widget will be treated as an invalid widget package.

So I think this test case needs to be changed to either include a required="false" attribute, or to expect a value of "true" for "required" instead.


Received on Friday, 3 September 2010 21:12:10 UTC