Review request: widget URI scheme


on behalf of the W3C WebApps Working Group I would like to request review for the registration of the "widget" URI scheme.

The filled out registration template can be found at:

And the specification at:

There is one specific aspect on which we would like to particularly solicit your guidance. While the fact that implementations are shipping presently has produced the need to define this URI scheme, we believe that we may update it at a later date to take into account use cases not yet addressed by our technology stack (the W3C Widgets family of specifications). As such, we would like to know if it is best registered as provisional (the scheme is intended to evolve) or permanent (the technology it is a part of is intended to become a permanent part of the landscape). We are happy with either option, we mostly ask because it is unclear to us from RFC4395 what the guiding principles should be in electing one over the other.

Thanking you in advance for your review,

Robin Berjon -

Received on Thursday, 25 February 2010 10:54:45 UTC