Re: Publishing Selectors API Level 2 as an FPWD?

On 8/01/10 1:19 AM, Lachlan Hunt wrote:
> Hi,
>   Now that Selectors API Level 1 is published and basically all but 
> finalised (just waiting for some implementations to be officially 
> released before taking it to REC), can we publish Selectors API Level 
> 2 as an FPWD?
> It would be useful to have it more widely reviewed, especially since 
> Mozilla and WebKit have begun their implementation of matchesSelector, 
> which is defined in it.
> The editor's draft is here.
FYI, it seems the whole Status of this Document hasn't been updated for 

For instance:

"This document has been approved for publication as a Candidate 
Recommendation by the working group. However, in light of existing 
interoperable implementations, the group is considering requesting 
publication as a Proposed Recommendation."

Also, the links to the W3C CVS are for Selectors-API, not Selectors-API2.

I can't see the value of queryScopedSelector*() methods. The original 
rationale was that JS libs could potentially drop their selector 
engines, but this isn't facilitated by the proposed methods. Given that 
JS libs will still have to parse the selectors it is a trivial step to call
     querySelector*(rewrittenSelector, refNode)
rather than

The queryScopedSelector*() methods have misleading names - they don't 
match the definition of scope.
It would be ridiculous to stick with those names if there are no 
implementations already out there.
Similarly, the :scope pseudo-class has a misleading name.

Received on Sunday, 10 January 2010 20:18:42 UTC