RE: XMLHttpRequest Comments from W3C Forms WG

I'm not sure how the dependency is specified in the XHR draft.  Can you point me to it?  The word "event loop" doesn't appear.

I know how XForms defines synchronous vs. asynchronous submissions using XML Events (which are an XML syntax for accessing DOM Events), and XHR is directly specified using DOM Events.

P.S. Again, I'm not an editor for the Web API specs, so I can't really know how the WG would like to solve these dependency issues, but to the degree that I have technical competence I'm happy to explore possible solutions.  This is of course outside the scope of my representation of the Forms WG comment, which is about the issue, not about its solutions.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonas Sicking [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 11:06 AM
To: Klotz, Leigh
Cc: Henri Sivonen; Anne van Kesteren; WebApps WG; Forms WG
Subject: Re: XMLHttpRequest Comments from W3C Forms WG

Though I just realized that I'm not sure all dependencies can be solved this way. How would you for example break the dependency on the event loop, currently only specified in the HTML5 spec (but implemented in basically every piece of software with a modern UI)?

/ Jonas

Received on Thursday, 17 December 2009 19:19:46 UTC