Re: [DataCache] Some Corrections

On Dec 7, 2009, at 12:01 PM, Joseph Pecoraro wrote:

> Some more DataCache API Corrections:
> - 4.1.1. Examples
> No such thing as finish() used in the first example. Perhaps this  
> should be commit()?
> [[
>  cache.transaction(function(txn) {
>    txn.capture(uri);
>    txn.finish();
>  });
> ]]

I have changed to using the new method "immediate" and that also  
removed this call.

> - Capturing resources
> Capture failure substeps mistake.
> In step 3, both of the arms are the same condition:
> [[
> 3. Pick the appropriate substeps:
>  If the failure was not caused by a 401 response, then
>    ...
>  If the failure was not caused by a 401 response, then
>    ...
> ]]
> The second arm should be:
> "If the failure was caused by a 401 response, then"


> This was determined from the description of the "obsolete" event,  
> which that arm later fires. The description states that the obsolete  
> event fires when "the server returned a 401".
> - 4.2.5. Asynchronous Data Cache API
> Typo (missing space).
> "For the entity entityof each managed ..."
> should be:
> "For the entity entity of each managed ..."

> - 4.2.7. Transaction API
> Extra whitespace for the "oncommitted" event.
> [[
>  IDL
>  interface CacheTransaction {
>    void getItem(in DOMString uri, ItemCallback callback);
>    void release(in DOMString uri);
>    void commit();
>    // events
>             attribute Function oncommitted;
>  };
> ]]

This is intentional.

> - 4.2.7. Transaction API
> Description of getItem has a typo. Part of a sentence is duplicated.
> "If the resource identified by uri does not exist in this  
> CacheTransaction object's associated data cache, then the method  
> must raise data cache object, then the method must raise the  
> NOT_FOUND_ERR exception and terminate these steps."
> should be:
> "If the resource identified by uri does not exist in this  
> CacheTransaction object's associated data cache, then the method  
> must raise the NOT_FOUND_ERR exception and terminate these steps."



Received on Wednesday, 16 December 2009 23:56:02 UTC