Re: [XHR2] timeout

On Tue, 10 Nov 2009 18:23:04 +0100, Jonas Sicking <> wrote:
> Are all of these comments for synchronous XHR only?

Only the TIMEOUT_ERR exception was for the synchronous case. I think the  
synchronous case it would be most consistent to not dispatch any events.  
This is however not what Internet Explorer is currently doing as I  
understand things (have not been able to test yet).

> I agree with most of your comments. Though I think we should fire an
> "abort" event since Progress Events spec says to fire one of
> abort/error/load, and abort seems to fit the bill the best. Or are you
> suggesting that Progress Events should say that one of
> abort/error/load/timeout is always fired?

It seems better to change Progress Events. We already agreed to make  
requirements on specifications less strict.

> I agree that firing readystatechange seems like the most consistent  
> thing to do.
> I agree that firing timeout (and IMHO abort) on the XHRUpload object
> unless upload has already finished.
> In general, I think essentially behaving as if a "timeout" event was
> fired, and then abort() is called is how we should behave.

abort() has some legacy attached to it that I rather not copy. I rather  
copy how the generic "abort error" network steps behave.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Tuesday, 10 November 2009 17:30:23 UTC