Re: [FileAPI] File.mediaType

On 11/10/09 8:33 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> This should be a bit more exact as to how the mediaType is returned. I
> would prefer ASCII-lowercase. Returning "application/octet-stream"
> rather than null also seems better if the type is not known. That way
> you do not have to type check. Other parts of the platform also handle
> "application/octet-stream" as unknown.

That's not necessarily true.  Most simply, loading a url in a browser 
doesn't treat application/octet-stream the same way it treats a missing 
Content-Type header.

> Also, maybe we should just call this type? File.type seems unambiguous
> enough.

It seems that many people think of "JPG" or "PNG" or "HTML" etc as the 
"file type".  Witness all the dialog in various software that talk about 
"PNG files" and such.


Received on Tuesday, 10 November 2009 16:54:22 UTC