W3C is Not Pay-to-Play (was: Required support for SVG in widgets)

Hi, Jon-

Jon Ferraiolo wrote (on 2/4/09 11:48 AM):
> Just because the OMTP is "pay-to-play" doesn't mean their efforts are
> wrong. (Isn't W3C "pay-to-play" also?) 

I don't know enough about the OMTP structure to judge whether they are
pay-to-play... but W3C is definitely not pay-to-play.  W3C is
member-supported, but it is open to public review of specifications, and
in some groups (such as SVG, HTML, CSS, and Webapps, among others), this
this openness extends to editor's drafts of specifications, telcon logs,
and WG mailing lists.  We also have Invited Experts who are bought in
from the public, and they don't have to pay to participate (though of
course they have to foot their own communications and optional travel

As far as member fees... it's not clear who else would or should foot
the costs of the organization, other than the larger companies that are
making direct large revenue benefits from it.  That seems fair to me.

Just correcting the record.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2009 21:57:23 UTC