RE: [widgets] Moving Widgets 1.0: Digital Signature spec to Candidate Recommendation

Hi Art,

Vodafone supports this proposal. 

I have submitted some late (sorry!) editorial comments (see separate
email) but do not believe any other comments were received or that the
comments I submitted should hold up this process.



-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Arthur Barstow
Sent: 02 June 2009 14:02
To: public-webapps
Subject: [widgets] Moving Widgets 1.0: Digital Signature spec to
Candidate Recommendation

The comment period for the 30 April 2009 Widgets Digital Signature LCWD
[1] ended 1 June 2009.

It appears the only changes between the latest ED [2] and the LCWD are
Editorial. It also appears no formal comments were submitted.  
Editors - please confirm this.

One of the next steps to move this spec to CR is to agree on the CR's
Exit Criteria. A strawman proposal (based on the Element Traversal
CR) follows:

This is the DD MMM 2009 Candidate Recommendation of the Widgets 1.0:  
Digital Signature specification. W3C publishes a Candidate
Recommendation to indicate that the document is believed to be stable
and to encourage implementation by the developer community. The Web
Applications (WebApps) Working Group expects to request that the
Director advance this document to Proposed Recommendation once the
Working Group has developed a comprehensive Widgets 1.0: Digital
Signature test suite, and demonstrated at least two interoperable
implementations for each test. The WebApps Working Group expects to show
these implementations by September 2009. The Working Group does not plan
to request to advance to Proposed Recommendation prior to 01 September

An agenda topic for the June 4 widgets voice conference will be a
proposal to advance this spec to Candidate Recommendation. If you cannot
attend that meeting and object to such a proposal, please clearly state
your reason(s) for objecting before that meeting starts (June 4 @ 15:00
Paris time).

-Regards, Art Barstow


Received on Thursday, 4 June 2009 12:33:24 UTC