- From: Arthur Barstow <art.barstow@nokia.com>
- Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 10:36:14 -0400
- To: public-webapps <public-webapps@w3.org>
The draft minutes from the May 7 Widgets voice conference are available at the following and copied below: <http://www.w3.org/2009/05/07-wam-minutes.html> WG Members - if you have any comments, corrections, etc., please sendthem to the public-webapps mail list before 14 May 2009 (the next Widgets voice conference); otherwise these minutes will be considered Approved. -Regards, Art Barstow [1]W3C [1] http://www.w3.org/ - DRAFT - Widgets Voice Conference 07 May 2009 [2]Agenda [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/ 2009AprJun/0499.html See also: [3]IRC log [3] http://www.w3.org/2009/05/07-wam-irc Attendees Present Art, Jere, Thomas, Andy, Mike, Marcos, Robin, Arve Regrets Josh, David Chair Art Scribe Art Contents * [4]Topics 1. [5]Review and tweak agenda 2. [6]Announcements 3. [7]P&C spec: Proposal to add "required" attribute to <access> 4. [8]P&C spec: <access> element comments by Thomas 5. [9]P&C spec: I18N issue: case-sensitivity of locale subdirectories 6. [10]P&C spec: status of L10N model agreements 7. [11]P&C spec: proposal to close Issue #80 (Runtime localization model for widgets) 8. [12]P&C ToDo List aka how to get P&C to LCWD#2 9. [13]A&E spec: Action 232 - Check the API spec for compliance with the Web IDL spec 10. [14]A&E spec: Action 290 - Review changes to HTML5 that may affect API and Events spec and propose a way forward 11. [15]A&E spec: Red Block issue in section 5.14 "ISSUE: do we need to do some kind of URI normalization to check for equivalency?" 12. [16]Widgets URI spec: Widget instances and widget invocations 13. [17]Widgets URI spec: Action 338 - "edit access element to take into account OMTP feedback and Bryan's" * [18]Summary of Action Items _________________________________________________________ <scribe> ScribeNick: ArtB <scribe> Scribe: Art Date: 7 May 2009 trackbot, associate this channel with #webapps <trackbot> Associating this channel with #webapps... Review and tweak agenda AB: I submitted the Draft Agenda on May 6 ([19]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2009AprJun/0 499.html). One change is discussing Marcos' P&C ToDo List ([20]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2009AprJun/0 500.html) during the "3.e." agenda item. Any other change requests? [19] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/ 2009AprJun/0499.html). [20] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/ 2009AprJun/0500.html) [ None ] Announcements AB: earlier today I announced a Call for Editor(s) to help with the P&C spec but we'll get to that later. Any other announcements? P&C spec: Proposal to add "required" attribute to <access> AB: last week Bryan proposed ([21]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2009AprJun/a tt-0444/00-part) adding two new requirements to the <access> element. Their was agreement the "optional" attribute would be deferred until the next version but there was no consensus on the "required" attribute. Given this spec is already in LC, my inclination is move "required" attribute to the v2 list. Comments? [21] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/ 2009AprJun/att-0444/00-part) MC: I agree with defering required attr to v2 RB: I thought we agreed to add it so I did but I'm also OK with dropping it AB: what would be the burden of the UA if it was included? MC: the UA wouldn't necessarily do anything with it ... the URI may not be available AB: I propose the "required" attribute be moved to the v2 feature list ... any objections? [ None ] RESOLUTION: the "required" attribute will be moved to the v2 feature list <scribe> ACTION: barstow add the required attribute to the v2 feature list [recorded in [22]http://www.w3.org/2009/05/07-wam-minutes.html#action01] <trackbot> Created ACTION-340 - Add the required attribute to the v2 feature list [on Arthur Barstow - due 2009-05-14]. P&C spec: <access> element comments by Thomas AB: last week Thomas submitted several comments regarding the access element ([23]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2009AprJun/0 470.html). Earlier today Robin replied to Thomas ([24]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2009AprJun/0 504.html). Let's start with Robin ... [23] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/ 2009AprJun/0470.html). [24] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/ 2009AprJun/0504.html). RB: TLR made 5 points ... #1 asks for clarification and I've done that in the draft ... #2: I kept the name and added a subdomain attr ... #3: I'm not exactly sure what TLR is needed ... #4 is defined in the spec ... #5: I explained the wildcard use TR: I will elaborate in another email ... there are some details we need to think about ... To what extent it is likely someone will want to link to an inline image/iframe ... Want a widget to do same things a web page can do but nothing more ... Permiting XHR leads to a larger risk surface ... If there is a significant piece of widgetry that uses inline content e.g. images, scripts, etc. and do not use XHR then it might be worthwhile to separate XHR from the inline requests in the access element ... Do people have insight if that distinticint exists with authors todayh RB: in terms of separateing the two, default is inline use ... need to think about security complexities of different contexts <tlr> tlr: if you have an access tag, then you're mixing content already. That means you need to think about the mix of security context anyway. Note that this is most important in the case of frames. MC: I don't have any firm ideas on this at this point TR: are we trying to close down things a web browser has anyway ... or are we saying we want another surface MC: we want a separate sec model for widgets ... not sure about the implications of using the browser's sec model TR: not sure we want to define a diff sec model ... what do you want to protect; what is the cost of deviating from the browser model ... don't want to go that route without compelling reasons MC: since we don't have an origin à la web origin, we need to define our own model TR: could say the signature protects everything ... can think about access element as it defines the exceptions to the browser sec model MC: I think that makes sense TR: we need more input, especially from security experts MC: this would be better for authors too e.g. developers creating iphone apps, etc. <darobin> ack RB: think we may be mixing conversations ... config doc enables a variety of sec models ... could say inline is OK and for everything else must go thru access ... access element defines the metadata for sec model TR: I have concerns about that view Arve: I have a concerns about the view RB presented TR: don't think the access element should defer to a future spec MC: I agree RB: I think we should separate discusion of access element from security policy TR: I don't think they are related Arve: I agree with TR AB: how do we move the P+C spec forward if we need a detailed sec model spec? TR: could say origin is ignored and can't access network resources ... could say a widget is a web page and inherits HTML5 sec model ... this means could have inline content ... access element could specify exceptions to the same origin policy ... there are pros for both of these models Arve: so you want it to be an opt in of the sec model? TR: yes Arve: not sure how that aligns with operator models and handset models ... not sure the HTML5 model is acceptable to handset vendors TR: we are defining a sec model without reqs for it MC: we have a synthetic origin TR: need an origin a server can handle Arve: not sure why a packaging format needs a detailed sec model AB: what's next steps here? TR: I will respond to Robin's email ... I will also state where I think we are ... Want Arve to state his reqs for sec model Arve: I can't do that today but it will have to wait a few days TR: I will miss next week's call AB: please follow-up on the mail list P&C spec: I18N issue: case-sensitivity of locale subdirectories AB: on April 29 Robin made a proposal ([25]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2009AprJun/0 404.html) for addressing case-sensitivity for localize subdirectory names. There appears to be consensus that option "b" is preferred. Any comments? [25] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/ 2009AprJun/0404.html) <tlr> TR: regrets for 14 and 21 May (argh); happy to do call out of normal schedule JK: I sent comments on this today ... would be good if RB and MC would read those comments ... will need to do case comparisions anyway MC: OK; I'll followup ... I think the proposal was to use ASCII order JK: using ASCII may not be a good idea AB: so no consensus yet on that issue P&C spec: status of L10N model agreements AB: Marcos, what is the status of you integrating the L10N model agreements into the ED? MC: I've started to integrate the comments. AB: when do you expect to complete that work? MC: maybe by mid next week ... it effects diff parts of the spec P&C spec: proposal to close Issue #80 (Runtime localization model for widgets) AB: given the agreements we reached during the April 30 call regarding Marcos' L10N model, I think we can now close Issue #80 ([26]http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/track/issues/8) "Runtime localization model for widgts". Comments? [26] http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/track/issues/8) MC: ok with me JK: agree AB: any other comments? RESOLUTION: Issue #80 is now closed given the agreements from the 30 April call P&C ToDo List aka how to get P&C to LCWD#2 AB: yesterday Marcos submitted a detailed list of open items for the P&C spec ([27]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2009AprJun/0 500.html). Thanks for creating this list Marcos! I don't want to necessarily do a deep dive for any of these but for each would like to understand a) its priority; and b) who will commit to doing the work. ... I see at least four different priorities that could be assigned: 1) Must be addressed before LCWD #2 is published; 2) can be addressed after LCWD #2 is published but before the CR is published; 3) can be addressed during Candidate; 4) can be moved to the v2 feature list. Let's see if we can get quick agreement on the priorities as well as a firm commitment from someone to complete the work. ... #1 - priority #1 ... and who? ... #1: prio #1 and Marcos ... anyone can help? [27] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/ 2009AprJun/0500.html). MC: I'll take it JK: I can help; MC, just let me know AB: #2: ... prio #2? RB: not sure; it impacts the processing ... I'm willing to take this AB: ok, then #2 is prio #1 and RB will take the lead ... #3 and #4 MC: I think RB was going to take these RB: I can take #3 and #4 AB: great; anyone else that can help? [ No vols ] #5: prio #1 ; Robin is taking the lead already scribe: everyone contribute to related discussions RB: I'm happy to edit which ever way the group resolves AB: #6 is part of the L10N model right? MC: yes ... perhaps JK can help JK: yes, I can help; is there a tentative defn now? MC: yes, a 1-line defn ... needs to be expanded #7: prio #3; can be done during CR phase; Art already agreed to do this AB: #8: comments? ... there has been some offlist discussion to remove these two attrs MC: we are unsure now ... they are optional ... they need to be clearly defined in the Window Modes spec ... they make no sense e.g. in full screen mode ... but text needs to be tightened up AB: so prio #1 for w/h? MC: yes AB: #9: window modes ... is this critical for LCWD #2? MC: yes; the change isn't big; I will take this AB: #10; this is also related to the L10N model, right? MC: given last week's agreement, we don't need xml:base ... not clear if we need it or not AB: is it in there now? MC: yes RB: what's in there now is wrong and should be dropped JK: agree RESOLUTION: Marcos will remove all refs to xml:base from P+C spec AB: #11; not sure on the prio of this ... not clear this is critical for v1 MC: it is already specified ... and we have a use case ... Anne said we don't need it AB: so I propose we leave it in ... any objections to that? RESOLUTION: we will keep the content element attributes related to encoding and type AB: #12 - param parsing model MC: this is high prio and simple cut-and-paste AB: can you do that MC or do you need help? MC: I can take it AB: #13, #14, and #15 are steps 2, 3, and 5 MC: #13 is a 1-liner ... #14 and #15 are L10N AB: given that, will you take those? MC: yes AB: do you need help? MC: need someone to review after I'm done ... #16 is in the same bucket ... it is related to #1 JK: I am willing to review; just let me know ... I can also help write; just let me know MC: Jere, can you take finding the base folder and widget locale? JK: this aligns with item #6 ... I'll work on this and get something to MC next week MC: I should have something by Monday AB: #17 and #18 - these are prio #2 or #3 ... any disagreements on 17 and 18? [ None ] AB: if we want the LCWD#2 comment period to end before the June 9-11 f2f meeting then for a 4-week review period we must publish on May 11 and for a 3-week review period we must publish on May 18. MC: re LC, want to know who we can get to review AB: besides the "normal suspects"? MC: could we premtively contact people ... so people could start pre-allocating time A&E spec: Action 232 - Check the API spec for compliance with the Web IDL spec AB: Arve and I briefly discussed Action #232 ([28]http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/track/actions/232) today in IRC (logger not working). His take is that this is not required for LCWD thus I want to drop it from the agenda. Any short comments/feedback? ... defer discssion [28] http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/track/actions/232) A&E spec: Action 290 - Review changes to HTML5 that may affect API and Events spec and propose a way forward AB: Arve, what is the status of Action #290 ([29]http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/track/actions/290)? ... without Arve here, need to defer this [29] http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/track/actions/290)? A&E spec: Red Block issue in section 5.14 "ISSUE: do we need to do some kind of URI normalization to check for equivalency?" AB: we will defer discussion on this too JK: the corresponding RFCs define the baseline ... the answer is Yes by RFCXXXX TR: are we talking about full URI refs? JK: the A+E spec defines valid uri AB: without Arve, I'd like to defer discussion TR: OK: I'll make a note to follow this Widgets URI spec: Widget instances and widget invocations AB: last week Robin submitted a proposal ([30]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2009AprJun/0 445.html) re widget instances and widget invocations. There was some followup ... but no consensus ... RB, what's the next step on this? [30] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/ 2009AprJun/0445.html) <tlr> concerning 5.14, I'm comfortable with (a) restricting to URIs (not IRIs) here, and (b) byte-wise comparison of these RB: I can make a new set of proposals; I don't have a strong opinion MC: this is an interesting discussion <JereK> tlr, why not character-wise comparison? <tlr> because for URIs (not IRIs) that's the same <tlr> in other wrods, I meant character-wise <JereK> understood :-) MC: not sure how much behavior we want to specify AB: what advice are we giving Robin? MC: do we want copies of prefs, do we want to clone, ... <JereK> unless you had UTF-8 encoded URIs? MC: there are lots of issues RB: this stuff doesn't belong in URI spec MC: agree and doesn't belong in P+C either RB: T-Mobile has some ideas about lifecycle for widgets ... would be good to see their input ... I'll talk to them AB: that would be good ... I also agree these issues don't belong in URI spec nor P+C spec ... what's the next step with the URI spec? RB: still need to complete some Edits ... when do we want to publish this? AB: we can talk about this RB: I think P+C is a higher prio AB: agree RB: perhaps we should wait until after P+C is published AB: my pref is to wait; want to get P+C and A+E to LC before we publish URI spec RB: OK. I'll focus on P+C and A+E AB: good priorities Widgets URI spec: Action 338 - "edit access element to take into account OMTP feedback and Bryan's" AB: Robin is Action #338 ([31]http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/track/actions/338) completed? [31] http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/track/actions/338) RB: this is completed ... and MC has added it to the spec AB: great ... Meeting Adjourned Summary of Action Items [NEW] ACTION: barstow add the required attribute to the v2 feature list [recorded in [32]http://www.w3.org/2009/05/07-wam-minutes.html#action01] [End of minutes]
Received on Thursday, 7 May 2009 14:37:06 UTC