Re: [widgets] Content-type sniffing and file extension to MIME mapping

Marcos Caceres schreef:
> Ok, hearing no objections, then I propose we bake in the following
> file extensions into the spec (we can debate which MIME types to use
> after we settle on the extensions!):
> .html
> .htm
> .css
> .gif
> .jpeg
> .png
> .js
> .json
> .xml
> .txt
> The following we should probably bake in too:
> .mp3
> .swf
> .wav
> .svg
> .ico
> We may bake in the following:
> xhtml

Why ‘may’? It seems to me that application/xhtml+xml deserves a MIME 
type mapping just like text/html does. Unless you have a personal 
preference for text/html and want to perpetuate that in this 
specification? ;)


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~~ Ushiko-san! Kimi wa doushite, Ushiko-san nan da!! ~~
Laurens Holst, student, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Website: Backbase employee;

Received on Friday, 5 December 2008 13:42:04 UTC