Re: [selectors-api]

Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> Anne van Kesteren wrote:
>> To ensure that naïve implementors don't overlook the potential issue 
>> here. An implementation of NSResolver can be provided by the script 
>> author as the specification explains and the script author can do all 
>> kinds of weird things that don't match a conforming implementation of 
>> NSResolver (such as mutating the DOM tree).
> Is a conforming querySelector implementation allowed to throw an 
> exception when this happens?
> In fact, is a conforming querySelector implementation allowed to throw 
> an exception if the NSResolver does something that it detects is 
> non-conforming?

Since NSResolver has since been removed from the spec, I'm closing this
issue as it is no longer relevant.

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

Received on Wednesday, 29 October 2008 11:42:21 UTC