Re: <New: Tracking Issues in XHR that we raised>

On Fri, 20 Jun 2008 23:47:03 +0200, Zhenbin Xu <>  
>> So if we can change .responseText to also throw an exception then I'd
>> be fine with having .responseXML also throw.
> [Zhenbin Xu] Sounds good.  Thanks!

FWIW, I exlained why these members do not throw currently in this e-mail:

Which contained a pointer to this thread:

Where it is explained that throwing for responseText and responseXML is  
not implemented in a consistent way in Internet Explorer and breaks some  

All the subsequent e-mails (in reply to my explanation) were about parse  
errors and did not address the issues with throwing for responseText and  
responseXML as far as I can tell (instead of returning the empty string  
and null).

(Also, would it be possible to use slightly less verbose and more to the  
point subject lines? It would help a lot with skimming through e-mail, of  
which I get quite bit :/)

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Saturday, 21 June 2008 10:35:37 UTC