ISSUE-6 (Element Traversal Nodelist): Should the ElementTraversal Interface Have a Nodelist? [Element Traversal]

ISSUE-6 (Element Traversal Nodelist): Should the ElementTraversal Interface Have a Nodelist? [Element Traversal]

Raised by: Doug Schepers
On product: Element Traversal

Daniel Glazman requested that a nodelist or item accessor be added to the ET spec, in <>, spawning a long thread.

Doug discussed the history of similar proposals, from himself, Mozilla, and others in <>.

On the plus side, it would allow for discrete access to elements in some use cases, and would be easy to implement for UAs that already have a nodelist implementation.  On the downside, it is heavier to implement if the UA doesn't already have nodelist (such as some mobile uses), and ET is already referenced by other specifications.

Received on Tuesday, 17 June 2008 06:15:06 UTC