RE: Seeking earlier feedback from MS [Was: IE Team's Proposal for Cross Site Requests]


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jonas Sicking []
> Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 1:53 PM
> To: Sunava Dutta
> Cc: Arthur Barstow; Marc Silbey;;
>; WG (public); public-
>; Eric Lawrence; Chris Wilson; David Ross; Mark
> Shlimovich (SWI); Doug Stamper; Zhenbin Xu
> Subject: Re: Seeking earlier feedback from MS [Was: IE Team's Proposal
> for Cross Site Requests]
> Sunava Dutta wrote:
> > Woo hooo, my first mail to the new webapps alias! -:)
> >
> > Thanks for waiting for us to get feedback in from people across MSFT.
> As promised, here is the whitepaper on client side cross domain
> security articulating the security principles and challenges (high
> level and specifics ) of the current CS-XHR draft.
> > I've also addressed the questions members raised in the FAQ.
> Thanks Sunava, I look forward to reading this once it is available in
> an
> acceptable license.
> However, I would further hope that you are able to discuss the feedback
> that are sure to be raised? As with your initial feedback, much of the
> results of these discussions will also require research and so it is
> good if we can get as much done before the face to face as possible.

[Sunava Dutta] We're kind of heads down in our development cycle with IE8 and the F2F is the first opportunity to discuss this at length.  Personally, I have other urgent pending standards related items in HTML 5.0 and Web Apps that I'll be having to attend to. (I wish our AJAX team here was bigger!)
> > As Jonas and Art mention, in order to provide the opportunity for
> members to research and usefully discuss the contents and other issues,
> lets talk about our concerns among other items F2F in the first week of
> July.
> Yes, though I do want to point out that there are many other issues too
> to discuss at the F2F other than microsofts feedback.
> Speaking of which, do we have an agenda yet for the F2F meeting?
> > Look forward to hosting the members here in Redmond.
> Looking forward to seeing you there!
> Best Regards,
> Jonas Sicking

Received on Friday, 13 June 2008 21:37:02 UTC