Re: [AC] Helping server admins not making mistakes

On 2008-06-11 03:34:29 +0200, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

> It does not. You honor the processing instruction only if it
> occurs in the prolog of an XML document. If you get a 206
> response (that does not start at the first byte at least), you
> don't have an XML document but a XML fragment, you don't know
> whether a processing instruction you might find is in fact in the
> prolog, and you might not even be able to decode the document at
> all because you didn't read the encoding declaration.

> (It's quite possible the drafts say otherwise, that would most
> likely be to blame on the all-inclusive step-by-step instruction
> writing style. It should say what I wrote above and thus avoid
> this particular problem.)

FWIW, +1 to that point.

Thomas Roessler, W3C  <>

Received on Wednesday, 11 June 2008 10:14:36 UTC