Re: Checkout of web-platform-tests pull request

On Wed, 10 Apr 2013, James Graham wrote:

> I don't think a manual approach is going to scale. I'm also not sure how the 
> github API is related to security; all the github API is needed for is to get 
> notifications about when there are new pull requests or when the repo is 
> updated. If the security concern is just PHP files mod_pup should be disabled 
> for the submission/ directory (or, for a more advanced solution, it should be 
> disabled for files that have been changed on the pull request branch).

So, I hacked together the beginnings of a script to do the syncing [1]. It 
is mostly untested; I had the initial import working, but haven't tried 
the synchronisation code at all. Obviously it's rather rough, but I think 
the approach is basically right. Additionally, on its own it won't provide 
any security at all. You need to disable PHP in the apache config for the 
submissions/ directory or something similar.


Received on Thursday, 11 April 2013 08:21:26 UTC