Re: [webstorage-test] Status of WebStorage tests by Microsoft, Opera and Ms2ger

On 11/18/12 9:27 PM, ext 조해용 wrote:
> Hi
> I resend the review-mail to Group(public-webapps-testsute) on behalf of Jong Heun
> Test result is following:
> 1. Microsoft:
>  No problem

Sorry, but I don't know what you mean by "No problem". The question I 
asked was:

> 1. Microsoft:
> <>.
> Can someone please verify if these tests cover are covered by [Approved] tests?

Are the features tested in 
already covered by a test in WebStorage's approved directory?

-Thanks, AB

> [Approved] <>

Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 13:40:05 UTC