Re: [webstorage-test] Status of WebStorage tests by Microsoft, Opera and Ms2ger

On 11/21/12 3:38 AM, ext Ms2ger wrote:
> On 11/21/2012 03:52 AM, 조해용 wrote:
>> I saw IDL from the spec and understood.
>> But now key is also a DOMString in Latest Published Version of 
>> WebStorage. (
>> In Latest Editor's Draft of WebStorage, key is nullable DOMString. 
>> (
>> That is, in Latest Published Version of WebStorage, no question mark.
> This is a bug in the TR/ version that has been fixed since. In 
> particular, note that the TR/ version does say the following:
>> Otherwise, if the event is being fired due to an invocation of the
>> clear() method, the event must have its key, oldValue, and newValue
>> attributes initialized to null.
> which is impossible if 'key' were not a nullable DOMString.
> Art, what is the process for such issues?
Re the testing process ...

The test suite needs to address different scenarios, one of them being 
testing the CR and another being testing against subsequent/new versions 
of the spec.

Hae yong is focusing on the CR scenario. I think the main requirements 
for testing CR exit criteria are: the set of tests should be approved by 
the entire WG; and the specific set of tests is clearly identified. 
Given the testing process as agreed now, my expectation is the tests in 
the approved dir are only those tests used to test the CR.

I agree using directory names and copying tests isn't an ideal way to 
manage the various scenarios and tests. However, if we continue along 
that path, perhaps the approved dir could contain all approved tests and 
a dir like ".../approved/CR/" could be created for the CR tests or 
within the approved dir there is a file named something like 
"CR-test-list" that enumerates those approved tests that are used to 
test the CR.

Re the publication process ...

After WebApps publishes a CR, my general expectation is the spec will 
continue to move forward through the TR process and will only go back to 
WD if there is WG-wide consensus to do so.

In this case, the group could publish the latest Web Storage ED as a new 
WD e.g. v1.1 or v2, etc.


Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2012 13:11:16 UTC